3D Animation for Architecture 3ds max + Vray (phase 1)

Offered By: Udemy


Autodesk 3ds Max Courses Adobe After Effects Courses Presentation Skills Courses Pricing Strategy Courses Client Management Courses Vray Courses

Course Description


a step by step work methods of producing great architectural animations.

What you'll learn:
  • Architectural animation techniques that can only be taught in animation firms.
  • How to make deals with clients and calculate the pricing and timing .
  • How to design the storyboard for your movie .
  • Where to focus your cameras.
  • Basics of animation in 3ds max .(timeline ,key framing ,curve editor..etc)
  • camera movements used by professional directors.
  • How to produce fast previews before rendering.
  • How to present previews nicely using Adobe after effects

welcome to the Architectural Animation course using 3ds max and vray

in this course... i will teach you a step by step process to make your 3d architectural designs come to life with animation.

in this course we want to move from making nice shots to making great animations.

This course is based on a true project that i have made for three villas in a place near london called coombe green

i broke down the process into simple steps that you can apply to any architectural project.

starting from how to deal with your client...

up to delivering your final video.

there are tons of tips tricks and techniques in this course that will save you massive amount of time and make your final product perfect.

this part is phaze 1

Phaze 1: is aboutPLANINGyour work .

  • Making the deal.

  • Storyboard designing.

  • Sketching cameras.

  • Basics ofmovements in max.

  • Professional camera movements .

  • and producing previews.

it seems like an easyphaseyet it is the most important of all.

if you have everything planned out and heldcorrectly you will be making great animation movies.

i hope you enjoy this learning experience with me.

Is it difficult to learn and do3D architectural animation?

It is not easy .. but here is the surprise:

  1. i broke down the process intosimple stepsthat you can apply to anyarchitectural project

  2. to make it even easier i split them into3 coursesand this isphase 1.

  3. i use special techniques in to make the learning experience exciting.. "like :

  4. Speeding vedios when doing time consumingor repetitive stuff..

  5. "you don't have to wait 8 hours of render to learn an information".

  6. ALL lectures withmotion graphicsillustrationswithZooming -highlighting-sound effects.. etc.

  7. All lectures Soundrecorded with professional microphone with no distractions.

  8. pdf and word files included.

  9. render presets files included.

  10. Askquestionsin the Q&A section ..i will answer as soon as i can and you can also see other students Q&A

****This series ofcourses is different than any3Ds Max&VRaycourses out there.*****

  • Why Architectural animation?

  1. Great marketing tool:Architectural animation is a great tool used by project owners toMarkettheir projects.they pay lots of$moneyto have a good visualization film to market with.

  2. Great Decision making convincer :Designers and big architecture firms uses animation to impress andconvince their clients .and usually their clients are either millionaires investors or government decision makers just keep that in mind :)

  3. Great in portfolio:Animation is great in your portfolio ,having your projects as moviesgives animpact on the viewer

  4. Fun Workits great fun to work on a movie of your designs .specially if you already enjoy max .

  • Why i created this course ?

there areTons of valuable informationthat i learned during my Workdays thati want to share with you.

  • What inspired me to createthis course?

As i was starting to learn this i was very amazed by the animation movies and i always wanted to learn how its done.I kept on searching online and in Training centers to find somethingthat teaches architectural animation but i couldn't find something that satisfies me .Theni had the opportunity to work for a small animation company. I left my job as an architect and took the job at that small animation company.Working in a small company actually gave me a huge advantage to learn more. Part of my job was toholdmeetings with the clients, To makestoryboards myself , do themodeling the rendering and even the montage and final retouches.

  • How can this course help Me?

The information you are about to learnare Realvaluable ones ,For every phase of workthere are these small tricks that can save you massive amount of time,effort and money.

and my job is to point that out and give you my best solutions.i am also working on the bigger picture of organizing your work and deals with clients.

Taught by

Mohammad EL Ashram

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