Angular Router In Depth (Angular 18)

Offered By: Udemy


Angular Courses Web Development Courses Single-Page Applications Courses Lazy Loading Courses

Course Description


Build large-scale Angular 18 Single Page Applications (SPAs) with the powerful Angular Router

What you'll learn:
  • Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
  • In-depth guided tour to the Angular Router
  • Angular Router Best Practices
  • Leverage Lazy-loading to the maximum
  • Master-Detail with Detail to Detail Navigation
  • Preloading In Depth
  • Router Guards In Depth
  • Advanced Router Concepts

This Course in a Nutshell

In this course, we are going to learn in detail the advantages of building a frontend UI as a single-page application, as opposed to a traditional multi-page application.

Single-page applications (or SPAs) have been around for years now, and are today more popular than ever as a simplified way to build enterprise frontends or internet product dashboards.

SPAs typically give the end-user a much better user experience, due to their better-perceived performance and responsiveness. In this course, we will learn how to use the Angular Router to turn our Angular application into a SPA.

Course Overview

We are going take as a starting point a small Angular application that does not have any routing yet. We are then going to learn how to configure the Angular Router from scratch. We will assume no prior Angular Router knowledge, as we explain everything from first principles.

We will start by introducing the essential router concepts such as route configuration, paths, router outlets, and router navigation links. From these essential concepts, will build a much more advanced routing scenario.

We will learn how to build a master-detail with detail-to-detail navigation scenario, and we will use this example to introduce all the advanced routing concepts and powerful features that the Angular Router offers us.

This will include lazy loading modules, data pre-fetching with Resolvers, protecting route access with Guards, custom pre-loading strategies, secondary outlets (auxiliary routes), and much more.

Table of Contents

This course covers the following topics:

  • What is a single page application?

  • Best practices for router configuration: home route, page not found route, etc.

  • Essential Router configurations concepts: paths, components, and outlets

  • Essential Router navigation concepts; the routerLink and routerLinkActive directives

  • Relative vs Absolute routing best practices

  • Understanding Path matching and router configuration order

  • Router Path and Query parameters

  • Router redirects

  • Deep linking with the Angular router: master-detail with detail-to-detail navigation scenario

  • Understanding router snapshots vs router observables

  • Lazy loaded routes

  • Route data pre-loading with Resolvers

  • Router module pre-loading strategies, building a custom preloading strategy

  • Router Guards - CanActivate and CanActivateChild Authentication Guards

  • Preventing route exits with CanDeactivate guards

  • Checking if a lazy-loaded module can be loaded with CanLoad

  • Router Loading Indicator

  • Understanding Router Hash location strategy

  • Secondary router outlets and auxiliary routes

  • The router module extra configuration options: enableTracing, scrollPositionRestoration, paramsInheritanceStrategy, etc

What Will You Learn In this Course?

At the end of this course, you will feel comfortable setting up the Angular Router from scratch in an existing Angular application

You will know not only the essentials of the router together with all its most advanced features, but most importantly you will know exactly when to use each feature and why, and you will know numerous best practices that will help you to make the most out of the Angular Router

Have a look at the course free lessons below, and please enjoy the course!

Taught by

Angular University

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