Data Structures and Algorithms - High Level MADE EASY

Offered By: Udemy


Algorithms and Data Structures Courses Algorithms Courses Hash Tables Courses Stacks Courses Queues Courses Linked Lists Courses

Course Description


Abstract reasoning makes algorithms easy. Learn about Sort, Search, Trees, Hash Tables, and Heaps.

What you'll learn:
  • they will be able to use algorithms with ease to solve their programming problems.
  • build a search engine from scratch

Have you ever used data structures in Python or Java? Well, do you really understand how they work? If you struggle with algorithms, it means you are approaching this topic the wrong way!

There are lots of places to copy code from, but without having high levelunderstanding, it can be difficult to handle data structures well.

This course teaches the fundamentals of algorithms, so you can apply knowledge easily. This course contains NOPROGRAMMING, JUSTPSEUDOCODE to encourage understanding of Algorithms and how to use them

Whatever the reason, ifyou are looking for a course that focus on theimplementations to give you a complete understanding of how things work, then this is the course for you. This course is a combination of two courses I took as an undergraduate and taught to graduate students at Cornell and Stanford.

This course goes over the theory of how things work, but only to give youwhat youneed to know to understand the implementation covered.

This is a hands-on course! If you want to try understand things at a deep level, and work on implementations, rather than theory, then again,this is the course for you.

Topics covered:-

Arrays Linked Lists Trees Hashtables Stacks Queues Heaps Sort algorithms Search algorithms

Thecourse also spends more time than most other courses of its kindlooking at what’s available in the JDK. Students wanting to understand how things work "under the hood" will benefit enormously from this course.

Whylearn about data structures and algorithms?

The reality is, the more you learn about data structures and algorithms, the better a programmer you become.


Because, data structures and algorithms are effectively patterns for solving problems. You want to add as many of them as you can to your skill-set. By doing so, you will find you solve more problems, and use the right tools for the job, in a more elegant way. And you will learn HEAPSof them in this course.

Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make.

Most courses focus on giving you the theory of how things work, so that you can take an interview. Whilst the theory is important, the knowledge of how to implement these data structures and algorithms are of vital importance. This course goes over the theory of how things work, but only to give youwhat youneed to know to understand the implementation covered. The main focus of the course is to give you a real understanding of how things work under the hood, so that you can apply this to future programming projects.

If you want to actually understand how things work, and be able to take that understanding and apply it to your own programs, then this course is for you.

After completing this course, you will have a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms. The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge you need to increase your job or consulting opportunities. Both Python and Javadevelopers with key skills and understanding of data structures and algorithms are in high demand and get paid extremely well. You need to MASTERALGORITHMS to be a respected programmers.

If you are ready for that new job promotion or consulting opportunity, it's time to get started.

Why not get started today?

Click theSignupbutton to sign up for the course

Who is the target audience?

  • Developers who have some knowledge of Python or Java looking to understand data structures and algorithms at a deep level

Taught by

Gopal Shangari

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