Programming for Data Science with R

Offered By: Udacity


R Programming Courses Data Science Courses Data Analysis Courses Data Visualization Courses SQL Courses Git Courses GitHub Courses Version Control Courses Statistical Analysis Courses Data Manipulation Courses

Course Description


This Programming for Data Science with R Nanodegree program provides an overview of data analysis and programming. In the SQL course, students learn to use SQL to answer complex business problems, including basic commands, joins, and aggregations. In the R course, students learn programming fundamentals and topics such as data types, functions, loops, and conditional statements. They learn to read and manipulate data in R, create basic visualizations, and perform statistical analysis. The version control course teaches students to use Git and GitHub to manage versions of programs and collaborate with others. These courses include practical projects where students use their skills to analyze real data.


  • Welcome to the Nanodegree
    • This is an overview of several courses on data analysis and programming. In the SQL course, students learn to use SQL to answer complex business problems, including basic commands, joins, and aggregations. In the Python course, students learn programming fundamentals and use libraries like NumPy and Pandas to work with data. The version control course teaches students to use Git and GitHub to manage versions of programs and collaborate with others. These courses include practical projects where students use their skills to analyze real data.
  • SQL for Data Analysis
  • Introduction to R Programming
    • In this course, you’ll learn to represent and store data using R data types and variables, and use conditionals
      and loops to control the flow of your programs. You’ll harness the power of complex data structures like
      lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples to store collections of related data. You’ll define and document your
      own custom functions, write scripts, and handle errors. You will also learn to use two powerful R libraries -
      Numpy, a scientific computing package, and Pandas, a data manipulation package.
  • Command Line Essentials
    • The Unix shell is a powerful tool for developers of all sorts. In this lesson, you'll get a quick introduction to the very basics of using it on your own computer.
  • Git and GitHub
  • Career Services
    • These Career Services will ensure you make meaningful connections with industry professionals to accelerate your career growth - whether looking for a job or opportunities to collaborate with your peers. Unlike your Nanodegree projects, you do not need to meet specifications on these Services to progress in your program. Submit these Career Services once, and get honest, personalized feedback and next steps from Udacity Career Coaches!

Taught by

Josh Bernhard , Derek Steer, Juno Lee , Richard Kalehoff and Karl Krueger

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