How to Make a Platformer Using libGDX
Offered By: Amazon via Udacity
Course Description
'2D Game Development with libGDX' explored the basics of the libGDX game framework, from simple drawing to user input.
This course will use those skills to create a much more sophisticated platforming game called GigaGal. In creating GigaGal, you'll learn about sprite drawing, keeping track of complex game state, controlling interactions between game entities, and also how to load and manage level data.
- Sprites and Animations
- Learn to draw using predefined sprites, animations and stretchable nine-patches.,Learn to pack many sprites into a texture atlas that can be efficiently loaded.
- The Player
- Create GigaGal and give her the ability to move and jump.,Add separate sprites for facing left, facing right, standing, and jumping.,Add an animation for GigaGal's walk.
- The Platforms
- Add the platforms to GigaGal and allow GigaGal to jump on them and fall off again.
- The Camera
- Set up the camera to follow GigaGal around the level.
- The Enemies
- Add GigaGal's evil robot adversaries.
- The Bullets
- Let GigaGal fight back with her arm cannon and create awesome explosions.
- Level Loading
- Add the ability to load level data created in an external tool.
- Adding the HUD and onscreen controls
- Add a score display, lives counter, and on screen controls for mobile players.
Taught by
Peter Heinrich and Jeremy Silver
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