Getting Started With ES2015 Course (How To)
Offered By: Treehouse
Course Description
ES2015, also called ES6, is a newer version of the JavaScript language that’s well supported in browsers and commonly used by programmers.
In this course, you'll get up-to-speed with ES2015 basics and be well on your way to writing modern JavaScript. You'll learn best practices for creating variables, using the let and const keywords, and a better way to concatenate string values using template literals. You'll also learn the compact syntax for creating functions using "arrow syntax."
What you'll learn
- Defining variables with let and const
- Concatenating strings with template literals
- Creating arrow functions
Defining Variables With let and const
For most of JavaScript's life, there's been only one way to create, or "declare", a variable: the var keyword. In the latest version of JavaScript there are two new ways: const and let.
Chevron 9 steps-
Welcome to Getting Started With ES2015
Declaring Variables in JavaScript
Creating Unchanging Variables With const
Using Constants with Arrays and Objects
Review creating variables with const
5 questions
Defining a Variable with let
Using let with for Loops
Reviewing let and const
Review let and const
5 questions
Using Template Literals
Template literals offer a lot of convenience when creating strings in JavaScript. Let's look at the main features.
Chevron 3 steps-
Basic and Multiple Line Strings
String Interpolation
Review Template Literals
5 questions
Create Functions Using Arrow Syntax
ECMAScript 2015 has been widely adopted by all modern browsers. This means we can use a more concise way to write functions. In this workshop we'll convert some traditional functions into a more modern syntax.
Chevron 4 steps-
Basic Arrow Syntax
Adding Arguments To Arrow Functions
Concise Arrow Function Syntax
Review JavaScript Arrow Functions
5 questions
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