Road safety in the Caribbean region: institutions and data management
Offered By: Inter-American Development Bank via edX
Course Description
“I am a Lieutenant Colonel in passive service of the Ecuadorian Transit Commission and a teacher at Condues (Training School for Professional Drivers) in Guayaquil, and this course allowed me to understand the reality of statistics and the problems at the regional level in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the actions and projections to achieve a reduction in traffic crashes in my country and the others around the region."
Can you imagine being able to contrast your opinions and experiences with people like Lieutenant Colonel Enrique from Ecuador or other practicing public managers and representatives of Civil Society organizations from all over the region? In this course, you will have that opportunity and also access to videos of international specialists from various organizations (IDB, PAHO / WHO, WRI, LatinNCAP, among others), readings, best practices in the Caribbean region, recommendations, practical activities, and discussion forums.
As traffic crashes are one of the main causes of death in Latin America and the Caribbean, their consequences are immediate and generate a great social and economic burden.
Be a part of the change now, and let's make safe mobility a reality!
This course is "self-paced," so you can enroll any time, even if the course has been open for a while. You can take it at the time that is most suitable for you inside the enrollment period of the course.
If you choose the Audit Track , you will have unlimited access to the course content, but you won't be able to complete the assessed activities or receive the certificate.
If you opt for the Verified track , you can access the course in an unlimited way and complete the qualified evaluations until the closing date after making a payment of $10. If you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will obtain a * digital badge that allows you to change the way you share your academic and professional achievements, for example, on social media.
*Did you know there is financial aid to opt for the verified certificate?
edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance.
See more information in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.
Introductory Module: Road Safety in the Global Agenda, diagnosis of road safety in the world, and your role in road safety.
This module presents the road safety crashes statistics for the Latin American and Caribbean countries and the new commitments by the international community to address road safety for the next 10 years. It also invites you to think about road safety as a user.
Module 1: Institutions for Road Safety
This module presents the importance of road safety plans and management as one of the key pieces for a sound implementation of road safety policy and strategy.
Module 2: Road Safety Data Collection
This module introduces the experiences of Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, and OISEVI in data collection. It also explains = the basic elements for effective data collection.
Module 3: Road Safety Policies
This module presents sustainable policies in the road safety field, focused on the Vision Zero approach, vehicle regulations, legislation, and enforcement.
Module 4: Conclusions
Taught by
Eugenia Rodrigues, Marisela Ponce de León, Sharon Inglefield, Edoardo Gianotti, Alejandro Furas, Marvin Gonzales, Claudia Franchesca de los Santos, Corina Puppo and Neil Pederson
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