Transmedia Writing
Offered By: Michigan State University via Coursera
Course Description
Do you have a desire to write a novel, write a screenplay, design a video game? In this project-centered course you will develop your own, original, intellectual property (IP) into a transmedia project containing written versions of your IP on various platforms. You will begin your novel, adapt the first chapters of your novel into the opening scenes of a film or TV show and create a game design concept of your IP.
Learner review: "So much AMAZING information! The teacher and content are wonderful. Learned so much!"
This is a course is based in "Active Learning" so that most of the actual learning takes place within your own activities - that is, writing! You will learn by doing.
I am a proponent of experiential learning (also known as active learning). My lectures are short and succinct, designed in a step-by-step process essential to your success as a writer. I will guide you, I will show you how to get there, hopefully I will inspire you, but I won’t show you how to write or what to write. That is up to you, you are the only one who can illustrate your creative thoughts, by writing them! I firmly believe that the only way to become a writer is to write, write, write. You need to unleash your creativity and my plan is to help you to do exactly that!
Learner review: "This is the most challenging writing course that I have done so far! But, it actually made me write the first two chapters of my novel and now, I am now looking forward to finishing the novel and getting it published."
All of the assignments on this course are peer review. At each stage of the process, whether creating your novel, your screenplay or your video game, you will post your written work and review the works of your peers. Peer review is an extremely important element of this course. Giving feedback and getting feedback is essential to the development of your critical thinking and your growth as a writer. It is as important as the writing itself.
This course is designed to tap into your creativity and help you to develop your skills in expressing that creativity through written words.
Learner review: "It made me stay up to 4AM a few times, but its incredible. You will learn a lot, and it is a very fun class"
Writing is a truly beautiful, amazing, satisfying thing. Imagine, putting your own words on a page to tell a story which enters your readers minds and allows them to share the thoughts, emotions and lives of your characters. It is a very rewarding experience.
Learner review: "This course really pushed me to my limits and it is an eye opener for me that there are goals that I can still achieve and accomplish through the world of writing."
- Develop Your Transmedia Concept
- In Module 1 you will create your Transmedia Intellectual Property (your IP), you will write a logline (a single sentence that describes the essence of your IP) and define the Dramatic Question of your IP
- Write The First Chapter Of Your Novel
- In Module 2 you will begin your novel. You will design a Profile of your Main Characters, create an outline for your First Chapter, you will learn about point of view and syntax for writing a novel and you will write the First Chapter of your Novel.
- Write Chapter Two Of Your Novel
- In Module 3 you will outline the second chapter of your novel and you will write Chapter Two
- Adapt Chapter One To The Opening Scenes Of Your Screenplay
- In Module 4 you will begin your screenplay. You will write an outline of your adaptation of Chapter One of your novel into the opening scenes of your screenplay, you will learn about screenplay format and film grammar, you will become familiar with free screenplay software and you will write the opening scenes of your screenplay.
- Adapt Chapter Two Into Screenplay Format
- In Module 5 you will write a detailed outline of your screenplay adaptation of Chapter Two of your novel, then you will write the scenes for the screenplay version of Chapter Two.
- Transform Your IP Into a Concept for a Game Design
- In Module 6 you will create a Design Document to pitch your video game concept. You will learn about various types of video games with a focus on narrative games, write a description of the game version of your IP and you will create a full pitch document for your video game.
Taught by
David Wheeler
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