The Role of Hydrogen in the Clean Energy Transition
Offered By: Deakin University via FutureLearn
Course Description
Delve into the hydrogen industry with Deakin University
Depending on its production, hydrogen has the potential to be a clean energy source. As countries work toward net-zero, hydrogen could be a promising solution to reducing carbon emissions.
This three-week course from Deakin University will help you gain insight and awareness into the Australian hydrogen industry. Hearing from experts in the field, you’ll discover the types of jobs and skills needed across the supply chain in this emerging area.
With this knowledge, you’ll explore how the industry looks set to develop in the future and how it can contribute to the clean energy transition.
Develop your understanding of hydrogen and renewable energy systems
You’ll learn the definition of clean energy as you unpack the technical reasons why hydrogen is an option in this transition.
Following a brief history of hydrogen uses, you’ll learn why there is a renewed interest in hydrogen and what is unique about Australia in terms of the Global Hydrogen economy.
Unpack hydrogen fuel and its supply chain
Next, you’ll delve into the hydrogen supply chain, including production, storage, and end uses.
This knowledge will help you explore the hydrogen strategy in the context of Australia and how the industry is evolving.
Identify opportunities and challenges for hydrogen and clean energy
Finally, you’ll unpack both the opportunities and challenges of hydrogen in Australia and the clean energy transition on a global scale.
Guided by industry and academic experts from a range of disciplines, you’ll finish the course with the knowledge to communicate the potential of hydrogen for clean energy.
This course is designed for anyone interested in hydrogen and the clean energy transition.
It will be useful for those interested in learning about potential emerging jobs with this sector as well as the benefits to society.
- Why hydrogen?
- Let’s get started
- Clean energy transition
- What’s so good about Hydrogen?
- Why now in Australia?
- Weekly wrap
- Hydrogen supply chain
- How is hydrogen produced, stored and distributed?
- End uses of hydrogen
- Weekly wrap
- Hydrogen: challenges and opportunities
- Challenges
- Opportunities
- Weekly wrap
Taught by
Sarah Hall
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