The Mongol Empire
Offered By: The Great Courses Plus
Course Description
<p>Learn how the Mongols both terrorized and advanced the world, in this fascinating course taught by a spellbinding teacher and historian.</p>
- By This Professor
- 01: The Mongols’ Place in World History
- 02: The Origins of Eurasian Steppe Nomadism
- 03: Nomadic Predecessors of the Mongols
- 04: The Rise of Chinggis Khan
- 05: Chinggis Khan’s Early Conquests
- 06: Mongol Institutions under Chinggis Khan
- 07: Chinggis Khan’s Khwarazmian Campaign
- 08: The Death of Chinggis Khan
- 09: Ogedai Khan’s Western Campaigns
- 10: Mongol Queens and the Contest for the Empire
- 11: Dividing the Empire: A Tale of Four Brothers
- 12: The Strengths of Mongol Military Organization
- 13: The Mongols in China
- 14: The Mongols in East and Southeast Asia
- 15: The Mongols in Central Asia
- 16: The Mongols in Persia and the Middle East
- 17: The Mongols in Russia: The Golden Horde
- 18: The Pax Mongolica: Eurasia Reconnected
- 19: The Collapse of the Mongol Empires
- 20: Timur the Lame, a.k.a. Tamerlane
- 21: Timur’s Major Campaigns
- 22: Samarkand: Timur’s Cultural Capital
- 23: From Mughals to Soviets: Eurasia after Timur
- 24: The Mongols and the Making of the Modern World
Taught by
Craig G. Benjamin
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