USENIX Security Courses
USENIX via YouTube Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network
USENIX via YouTube Control-Flow Bending - On the Effectiveness of Control-Flow Integrity
USENIX via YouTube Protecting Privacy of BLE Device Users
USENIX via YouTube K-Fingerprinting - A Robust Scalable Website Fingerprinting Technique
USENIX via YouTube UNVEIL - A Large-Scale, Automated Approach to Detecting Ransomware
USENIX via YouTube Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs
USENIX via YouTube Virtual U - Defeating Face Liveness Detection by Building Virtual Models from Your Public Photos
USENIX via YouTube Lock It and Still Lose It - On the -In-Security of Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems
USENIX via YouTube zxcvbn - Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
USENIX via YouTube