UART Courses

Deep Dive: Android Things Peripheral IO Manager
Linux Foundation via YouTube
Monotron - A 1980s Style Home Computer Written in Rust
ACCU Conference via YouTube
Demonstrating the HRES Process
Jtagulator - Assisted Discovery of On-Chip Debug Interfaces
Introducing Serberus - A Multi-Headed Serial Hardware Hacking Tool
BSidesLV via YouTube
Embedded Systems Object-Oriented Programming in C and C++
Packt via Coursera
TP-Link XZ000-G3 GPON ONT Teardown and UART Console Access
Van Tech Corner via YouTube
Zephyr 101 - Async UART
Circuit Dojo via YouTube
Communication Protocols for IoT Systems
Conf42 via YouTube
std::execution from the Metal Up - Implementing Sender/Receiver for Microcontroller UART - Lecture
Meeting Cpp via YouTube
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