Type Theory Courses
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Session Types vs. Ordinary Types: Understanding Fundamental Differences - Lecture 30
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Foundations of Type-Driven Probabilistic Modelling
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Graded Modal Dependent Type Theory with Universe and Erasure - Formalized
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Dependently-Typed Programming with Logical Equality Reflection
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Timely Computation - A Formal Approach to Digital Circuit Design
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Explicit Refinement Types - A Type Theory with Embedded Proofs
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Operational Game Semantics for Generative Algebraic Effects and Handlers
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube A Type-Theoretic Account of Quantum Computation
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube An Intrinsically-typed Probabilistic Programming Language in Coq - Extended Abstract