Topological String Theory Courses
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Quantum Toroidal Algebras and Spiralling Branes
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Constructive Refined Topological Strings
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Exactly Solvable Five-Dimensional BPS Spectra and Discrete Integrable Systems
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Introduction to BPS Spectra and Quantum Invariants - Lecture 2
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Introduction to BPS Spectra and Quantum Invariants - Lecture 3
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube N=2 Gauge Theory, DT Invariants and Exact WKB - Lecture 3
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube N=2 Gauge Theory, DT Invariants and Exact WKB - Lecture 2
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Modularity and Resurgence in Calabi-Yau Compactifications
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube The ALE Partition Functions of 6D SCFTs
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube