Topological Field Theory Courses

Gauge Origami and Quiver W-algebras
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
One-Form Symmetries and the 3d N=2 A-model
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Introduction to BPS Spectra and Quantum Invariants - Lecture 1
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Exact Methods in Supersymmetric Theories - Lecture 4
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Exact Methods in Supersymmetric Theories - Lecture 2
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Introduction to Anomalies and Generalized Global Symmetries - Lecture 5
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Introduction to Anomalies and Generalized Global Symmetries - Lecture 2
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
An Introduction to the BV-BFV Program - Part 3
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
An Introduction to the BV-BFV Program - Part 2
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
String Theory, Symmetries and Anomalies in QFTs - Lecture 4
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) via YouTube
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