Tokamaks Courses
Sabine Hossenfelder via YouTube Cómo Recrear el Sol en la Tierra - La Energía de Fusión como Solución Energética Mundial
TEDx via YouTube Investigating the World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor - ITER Project Overview
Up and Atom via YouTube The Latest Developments in Fusion Energy
The Royal Institution via YouTube The Future of Fusion - Groundbreaking Applications and Challenges
The Royal Institution via YouTube Introduction to Principles of Plasma Diagnostics - Lecture 1
MIT OpenCourseWare via YouTube The World's Biggest Fusion Reactor Doesn't Do Anything - ITER Tokamak Challenges
SciShow via YouTube The Role of Machine Learning in Facilitating Fusion Energy Research
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI via YouTube Accelerating Fusion through Integrated Whole Device Model of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasma
MICDE University of Michigan via YouTube FUSE.jl: The Power of Julia for the Fusion Industry
The Julia Programming Language via YouTube