Thought Experiments Courses

What Is Time - Professor Sean Carroll Explains Presentism and Eternalism
Wondrium via YouTube
Controlling Photons in a Box and Exploring the Quantum to Classical Boundary
APS Physics via YouTube
Rigid Matrices from Rectangular PCPs
IEEE via YouTube
Translation Tutorial - Causal Fairness Analysis
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube
Learning about Human Learning: How We Grow Individually and Collectively
University of Melbourne via YouTube
The Why and How of Effective Altruism
TED via YouTube
Mach's Principle and Its Implications for Physics - Real Physics Talk
Unzicker's Real Physics via YouTube
Veranschaulichung quantenmechanischer Verschränkung - EH21
media.ccc.de via YouTube
Is It Faster to Fall Through the Earth or Orbit Halfway Around?
Dot Physics via YouTube
Lorentz Force and Apparent Paradoxes of Relativity Theory - Lecture 15
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube
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