SYCL Courses

The Absurdity of Error Handling: Finding a Purpose for Errors in Safety-Critical SYCL
CppCon via YouTube
Take Advantage of All the MIPS - SYCL and C++ Programming for Heterogeneous Systems
CppCon via YouTube
GPU Performance Portability Using Standard C++ with SYCL - CppCon 2022
CppCon via YouTube
MDSPAN - A Deep Dive Spanning C++, Kokkos and SYCL - Lecture 2022
CppCon via YouTube
C++ Performance Portability - A Decade of Lessons Learned - Lecture
CppCon via YouTube
A Smooth Introduction to SYCL for C++20 Aficionados - Lecture
cpponsea via YouTube
A Smooth Introduction to SYCL for C++20 Aficionados
Meeting Cpp via YouTube
C++ for Multi-Accelerator, Multi-Vendor Systems - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting Cpp via YouTube
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