Stochastic Gradient Descent Courses
MITCBMM via YouTube Introduction to Optimization
MITCBMM via YouTube PyTorch - A Modern Library for Machine Learning with Adam Paszke
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube What You Always Wanted to Know About Deep Learning, but Were Afraid to Ask
NDC Conferences via YouTube Optimisation
Alfredo Canziani via YouTube Stochastic Gradient Descent and Backpropagation
Alfredo Canziani via YouTube Differentially Private Model Publishing for Deep Learning
IEEE via YouTube SecureML - A System for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
IEEE via YouTube Bayesian Inference with Plug-and-Play Priors - Imaging and Inverse Problems Seminar
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via YouTube Trustworthy Machine Learning: Challenges and Frameworks
USENIX Enigma Conference via YouTube