Special Effects Courses

Pyrotrickery - The Science Behind Spectacular Firework Displays
The Royal Institution via YouTube
How to Design an Elvis Movie Poster in Photoshop
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Super Creepy Photo Manipulation Horror Effects - Affinity Photo Manipulation Tutorial
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Fireball Tutorial - Creating Dynamic Visual Effects in Motion Graphics
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Terminator Tutorial - Day 1
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Create Destructive Black and White Lettering with a Dramatic Splash Effect
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
How to Create a Fiery Demon Montage in Photoshop
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
How to Create a Surreal Scene of Flying Bombs on Fire
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Fright Night Tutorial - Creating Spooky Visual Effects
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Dr. Who Regeneration Tutorial
Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
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