SMT Solvers Courses
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Explicit Refinement Types - A Type Theory with Embedded Proofs
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube SMT Theory Arbitrage: Approximating Unbounded Constraints Using Bounded Theories
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Mostly Automated Verification of Liveness Properties for Distributed Protocols with Ranking Functions
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Portfolio Solving for Dafny
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Complete First-Order Reasoning for Properties of Functional Programs - OOPSLA 2023
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Counterexample Driven Quantifier Instantiations with Applications to Distributed Protocols
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Solving Conditional Linear Recurrences for Program Verification: The Periodic Case
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Privacy-preserving Automated Reasoning
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification via YouTube