Security Research Courses

A Pre-Auth RCE on Leading SSL VPNs
Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube
For The Win - The Art of the Windows Kernel Fuzzing
Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube
Bounty - Building a Coordinated Bug Disclosure Bridge for the EU
Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube
God Mode Unlocked - Hardware Backdoors in x86 CPUs
Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube
Blurred Lines - The Mixing of APTs with Crimeware Groups
NorthSec via YouTube
Why I Write My Own Security Tooling and Why You Should Too
nullcon via YouTube
Taking the Guess Out of Glitching
nullcon via YouTube
Automatic Automotive Hacking
nullcon via YouTube
Hypervisors in Your Toolbox - Monitoring and Controlling System Events with HyperPlatform
nullcon via YouTube
Linux Vulnerabilities, Windows Exploits - Escalating Privileges with WSL
Recon Conference via YouTube
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