Quantum Groups Courses
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube Homological Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Link Invariants
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) via YouTube A q-Analogue of the Family of Poincaré Distributions on the Upper Half Plane
Conference GSI via YouTube Swallowed Kashiwara Crystals by Accident
Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube Equivariant K-theory Realization of the Affine i-Quantum Group
BIMSA via YouTube S-duality and Lie Super-algebras
BIMSA via YouTube Langlands Duality for the Affine Hecke Category
BIMSA via YouTube Quantum Symmetry via Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces
BIMSA via YouTube Integrable Systems and Representation Theory: Between Geometry, Algebra and Analysis
BIMSA via YouTube Operator Algebras, Bi-Unitary Connections and Tensor Networks - Lecture 4
BIMSA via YouTube