Petrology Courses
GEO GIRL via YouTube Phase Diagrams - Minerals Melt at Different Temperatures - Igneous Petrology
GEO GIRL via YouTube Igneous Rock Textures and Classification Based on Grain Size and Shape - Igneous Petrology
GEO GIRL via YouTube Igneous Rock Classification and How to Use the QAPF Diagram - Igneous Petrology
GEO GIRL via YouTube Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Igneous, Metamorphic and Hydrothermally Altered Rocks
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube Lower Crust Formation and Differentiation - Field Studies and Experimental Petrology
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube In-situ Ambient Analysis of Diamond-Captured Mantle Transition Zone and Lower Mantle Minerals
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology - Daly Lecture
AGU via YouTube The Reginald Daly Lecture - Contributions to Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
AGU via YouTube 2019 Norman L. Bowen Lecture - Advances in Geoscience
AGU via YouTube