OCaml Courses
Strange Loop Conference via YouTube Point-Free or Die - Tacit Programming in Haskell and Beyond
Strange Loop Conference via YouTube Leaving Legacy Behind - Deutsche Übersetzung
media.ccc.de via YouTube Treiber in High-Level Programmiersprachen
media.ccc.de via YouTube Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
media.ccc.de via YouTube Simple Functional Effects with Tag Unions
GOTO Conferences via YouTube Effective Programming in OCaml
GOTO Conferences via YouTube FoundationDB as a Storage Engine for Irmin
Linux Foundation via YouTube The Design of Functional Numerical Software - Dr. Richard Mortier, University of Cambridge
Alan Turing Institute via YouTube Writing a Language Server in OCaml for Emacs - Fun and Profit
EmacsConf and Emacs hangouts via YouTube