Next.js Courses

Building an Admin Dashboard with Next.js, TypeScript, and Shadcn/ui
Traversy Media via YouTube
Building CSS-Tricks and CodePen 2.0 - Insights from Chris Coyier
Tejas Kumar via YouTube
Next.js With Tailwind CSS-Build a Frontend Ecommerce Project
Real-time Chat Sentiment Analysis with Next.js, FastAPI, and Python - GPT-4 Implementation
echohive via YouTube
Next.js Modal with Parallel and Intercepting Routes Using shadcn/ui Dialog
Dave Gray via YouTube
Next.js Modal Form with React-Hook-Form, ShadCN/UI Dialog, and Server Actions - Tutorial
Dave Gray via YouTube
Build and Deploy 3 Modern UI/UX Websites - Full Frontend Development Course
JavaScript Mastery via YouTube
Full-Stack Social Media App Tutorial with React 19 and Next.js 15 - MySQL Integration
Lama Dev via YouTube
Build an Expense Tracker with Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, Neon, and Clerk
Traversy Media via YouTube
Build a Real-time Next.js 14 Chat App with Fauna
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