Mathematical Physics Courses

Heun Connection Matrix from Liouville Conormal Blocks and Darboux Theorem
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Combinatorial Quantization and BV Structures of Moduli of Flat Connections - Part 1
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Quantum Analytic Langlands - Quantisation of Moduli Spaces
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Derived Skein Modules via Factorization Homology
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Cgifd Idempotent Completion, Topological Symmetries of QFTs, and Generalized Kramers-Wannier Duality
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Fluctuations of N-Particle Quantum Dynamics around the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
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Instability and Non-Uniqueness for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations
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Landau and LFD Operators in Effective Theories of Classical and Quantum Particle Systems
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Renormalized Bogoliubov Theory for the Nelson Model
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Beyond Bogoliubov Dynamics - Effective Theories in Classical and Quantum Particle Systems
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