Lock-free Programming Courses
CppCon via YouTube Concurrency TS2: Improved C++ Concurrency and Lock-free Programming - Lecture
CppCon via YouTube Lock-free Atomic Shared Pointers Without a Split Reference Count - Implementation Strategies
CppCon via YouTube Smarter C++ Atomic Smart Pointers - Efficient Concurrent Memory Management
CppCon via YouTube A Lock-Free Atomic Shared Pointer in Modern C++
CppCon via YouTube Hazard Pointers with Reference Counter - A New Synchronization API
Kernel Recipes via YouTube Concurrency Patterns
Meeting Cpp via YouTube Keeping Track of Deadlines in Time-Critical Systems - Lecture
Meeting Cpp via YouTube Mria - An Eventually Consistent Mnesia
Code Sync via YouTube Building a Lock-Free STM for OCaml - OCaML'23