Lattice-Based Cryptography Courses
Simons Institute via YouTube The Learning With Errors Problem and Cryptographic Applications
Simons Institute via YouTube Fault Attacks on CCA-Secure Lattice KEMs
TheIACR via YouTube Lattice-Based Cryptography
TheIACR via YouTube Lattice-Based Cryptography
TheIACR via YouTube Lattice Based Cryptography
TheIACR via YouTube Improved Discrete Gaussian and Subgaussian Analysis for Lattice Cryptography
TheIACR via YouTube Key-Homomorphic Pseudorandom Functions from LWE with Small Modulus
TheIACR via YouTube Saber on ARM- CCA Secure Module Lattice Based Key Encapsulation on ARM
TheIACR via YouTube Security and Encoding in Fully Homomorphic Encryption - Rachel Player, Sorbonne Université
Alan Turing Institute via YouTube