Intersection Theory Courses
Applied Algebraic Topology Network via YouTube Hodge Theory, Between Algebraicity and Transcendence
International Mathematical Union via YouTube Homological Mirror Symmetry - Nikita Nekrasov
IMSA via YouTube Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups
IMSA via YouTube Virtual Reductions and Intersection Theory on Moduli Space of Sheaves on Calabi-Yau 4 Folds
IMSA via YouTube Intermediate Jacobians of Gushel-Mukai Varieties
IMSA via YouTube Topological Recursion for Hurwitz Theory and Intersection Theory of Moduli Spaces of Curves
IMSA via YouTube 9.12.2017 И.А. Тайманов - Теория пересечений и кольца когомологий
QuantumTopology via YouTube Residual Intersections
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Computation of the Vertical Vafa-Witten Invariants II
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube