Infection Prevention Courses
American Society for Microbiology via YouTube Pneumonia in the Healthcare Setting - February 26, 2014
Mary Greeley Medical Center via YouTube Microbiology Challenges in Oncology Practice - Webinar Recording
The Royal College of Pathologists via YouTube การประเมินสัญญาณชีพ การใช้ยา และการป้องกันการติดเชื้อ สำหรับผู้ดูแลผู้สูงอายุ | Assessment, Medication Use, and Infection Prevention for Elderly Caregivers
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University via ThaiMOOC Preventing Infection by Flu, RSV and SARS-CoV-2
Imperial College London via YouTube Utilizing Extracellular Matrix to Reduce Infection in Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
HMP Education via YouTube COVID-19: Variants and the Importance of Vaccination
Johns Hopkins Medicine via YouTube COVID-19 Pandemic Update: Latest Findings, Treatments, and Future Outlook
Johns Hopkins Medicine via YouTube Medication Side Effects and Vaccinations for Scleroderma Patients
National Scleroderma Foundation via YouTube Real-time Whole Genome Sequencing Surveillance for Healthcare Outbreak Detection and Investigation
Labroots via YouTube