Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) Courses
LinkedIn Learning Bug Bounty
YouTube Beginner Bug Bounty Course - Web Application Hacking
YouTube Owning Cody's First Blog - RCE on Hacker101 and Hacking on FFH from - IDOR
NahamSec via YouTube Using BurpSuite's Intruder for Bug Hunting and CTF Challenges
NahamSec via YouTube Hunting IDOR with Z-winK - Part 2
Bugcrowd via YouTube Bad API, HAPI Hackers!
Bugcrowd via YouTube Bugcrowd University - Broken Access Control Testing
Bugcrowd via YouTube Unique Mindset - Hacking Techniques and Favorite Findings
zseano via YouTube Revealing SSNs and Hacking Reddit: A Bug Bounty Journey
Ekoparty Security Conference via YouTube