High Performance Computing Courses

From High-Level to Systems Programming - A Practical Guide to Rust
Devoxx via YouTube
What Would You Do With 10^6 Cores? High Performance Computing in the AWS Cloud
Devoxx via YouTube
HPC Green Computing - Relationships Among Throughput and Latency
Devoxx via YouTube
Quarkus - The Supersonic and Subatomic Java
Devoxx via YouTube
Graal - High-Performance Polyglot Runtime
Devoxx via YouTube
Eclipse OMR - A Modern, Open-Source Toolkit for Building Language Runtimes
Devoxx via YouTube
Massive Parallelism with GPUs in Java
Devoxx via YouTube
Deep Learning in Production
Devoxx via YouTube
Introduction to gRPC - A General RPC Framework That Puts Mobile and HTTP/2 First
Devoxx via YouTube
Vectors and Numerics on the JVM - High-Performance Implementation Challenges
Java via YouTube
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