Grothendieck-Teichmuller Group Courses

Linear Representations of the Grothendieck-Teichmuller Group
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Asymptotics for Graph Complex Euler Characteristics
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Graph Complexes, GRT and Cohomology of GLn
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Extensions of 1-Cocycles of the Mapping Class Group to the Ptolemy Groupoid
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Automorphisms of Seamed Surfaces, Modular Operads and Galois Actions
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Graph Complexes, Operadic Mapping Spaces and Embedding Calculus - A Survey
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Stabilizer Bitorsors in Double Shuffle Theory
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Torsion in String Topology
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Poincare Duality and TQFT Structures for Loop Spaces
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
Tangles in a Pole Dance Studio - A Reading of Massuyeau, Alekseev, and Naef
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
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