Greenhouse Effect Courses

John Tyndall - The Physicist Who Proved the Greenhouse Effect
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Tout comprendre sur le climat et son réchauffement
Université de Liège via France Université Numerique
Global Warming - The Reason of Climate Change
TEDx via YouTube
The Atmosphere's Impact on Climate and Life on Earth
GEO GIRL via YouTube
Carbon Dioxide - Properties, Preparation, and Applications
PLAY Chemistry via YouTube
Pale Blue Dot - Introduction to Energy and Climate on Earth
Paleontological Research Institution via YouTube
No Place Like Home: Early Earth's Atmosphere and Snowball Earth Episodes - Lecture 3
Paleontological Research Institution via YouTube
Cold Blooded: Hothouse Climates of the Dinosaurs - Lecture 6
Paleontological Research Institution via YouTube
Mudanças Climáticas: O que Precisamos Saber e Como Podemos Ajudar
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube
Climate Change and Energy Transition
Institut Henri Poincaré via YouTube
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