Geophysics Courses
CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University via YouTube Мониторинг ГРП микросейсмическими методами
CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University via YouTube Каротажи в процессе геонавигации - Лекция 5
CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University via YouTube Посадка скважины на Т1 - Геонавигация - Лекция 10
CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University via YouTube Falling Through the Center of a Non-Uniform Density Earth - Python Simulation
Dot Physics via YouTube The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics
Datamine Software via YouTube Geophysics for Geologists: Incorporating Geophysical Data in Geological Workflows
Datamine Software via YouTube Importancia de la Prospección Geofísica en la Exploración Minera
Datamine Software via YouTube Volcano Science and Eruption Response as a Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Scientist
Nick Zentner via YouTube Volcanic Hazards and Critical Minerals: Geology for an Uncertain Future
Geologists of Jackson Hole via YouTube