Geophysics Courses
Alan Turing Institute via YouTube Unearthing Fermi’s Geophysics
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube Data-Driven and Data-Assisted Modeling for Applications in Fluid Dynamics and Geophysics
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube Borehole Observatory Networks - Taking the Pulse of Earthquake Generating Faults
AGU via YouTube Scientists Mine 16th Century Ship Logs for Geophysical Research
AGU via YouTube A Primer on Core Dynamics
AGU via YouTube Novel Experiments for Understanding the Interior of the Earth, Planets, and Exoplanets
AGU via YouTube Quantifying Fractal and Multifractal Scaling Exponents of Geophysics Data
AGU via YouTube Evolution of the Differentiated Earth
AGU via YouTube The IODP-ICDP Chicxulub Impact Crater Drilling Expedition
AGU via YouTube