Geophysics Courses
AGU via YouTube Geomagnetic Field Reversals - Allen Cox Lecture
AGU via YouTube The Union Educational Sessions - AGU Fall Meeting 2001
AGU via YouTube Fractals and Multifractals in Geophysics - Lorenz Lecture
AGU via YouTube Frontiers of Geophysics - AGU Fall Meeting 2001
AGU via YouTube Geomagnetic Field Reversals: Insights from Paleomagnetic Studies
AGU via YouTube Union Education Tutorials - Space Weather and Its Impacts
AGU via YouTube Mass Extinctions and Mantle Plumes - Bullard Lecture
AGU via YouTube Restless Mantle: Imaging and Wavefront Healing - Gutenberg Lecture 2002
AGU via YouTube Dynamics of Planetary Interiors - Birch Lecture
AGU via YouTube