Geochemistry Courses

Triple Oxygen Isotopes in the Silica-Water and Carbonate-Water System
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube
Standardization for the Triple Oxygen Isotope System
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube
Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Igneous, Metamorphic and Hydrothermally Altered Rocks
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube
The Geological and Agricultural Significance of Calcium Phosphate Apatite
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube
In-situ Ambient Analysis of Diamond-Captured Mantle Transition Zone and Lower Mantle Minerals
Mineralogical Society of America via YouTube
Origins of Life: Chemical Origins - Environments for Studying Origins of Life - Cuatro CiƩnegas
Complexity Explorer via YouTube
Cassini's Chronicle of Carbon in the Saturn System - Eugene Shoemaker Lecture
AGU via YouTube
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology - Daly Lecture
AGU via YouTube
The Reginald Daly Lecture - Contributions to Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
AGU via YouTube
2019 Norman L. Bowen Lecture - Advances in Geoscience
AGU via YouTube
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