Futurism Courses

Will Humans Exist in 2500? - A Future Scenario Game
TEDx via YouTube
Realtà Virtuale - Un'esperienza al di là del Tempo e dello Spazio
TEDx via YouTube
Geleceğe Hazır Mısın? - Yapay Zeka ve İnovasyonların Geleceği
TEDx via YouTube
The Paradox of Climate Change
TEDx via YouTube
Impactos Sociais e Ambientais das Tecnologias Disruptivas
TEDx via YouTube
Can We Really Change the World?
TEDx via YouTube
Impactos Sociais e Ambientais das Tecnologias Disruptivas
TEDx via YouTube
Journey to EPCOT Center - A Symphonic History
Defunctland via YouTube
The Failed Space Program of the Hacker Scene - A 12-Year Review and Solarpunk Reshaping
media.ccc.de via YouTube
Can Artificial Intelligence Become Human?
TEDx via YouTube
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