Folklore Courses
TED via YouTube Causos de Ouro Preto - Histórias e Contos da Cultura Mineira
TEDx via YouTube La forza magica delle storie - Il potere dello storytelling
TEDx via YouTube O Καραγκιόζης του 2023
TEDx via YouTube Halloween Special: Giant Squids and Prehistoric Reptiles - Inspiration for Legendary Creatures
AGU via YouTube Halloween Special: Sasquatches and Mermaids - The Science Behind Legendary Creatures
AGU via YouTube Anansi, Loki, and Why We Love Trickster Myths
TEDx via YouTube Verführer, Ankläger, Gefährte. Der Teufel und seine Dämonen
RWTH Aachen University via edX Traditional Corfiot Greek Dances Performance
TEDx via YouTube The 'Super' in Superstitions - Examining the Impact of Beliefs
TEDx via YouTube