Experiential Learning Courses

Diploma in Elementary Education(D.El.Ed)
NIOS via Swayam
Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) via FutureLearn
Raise Self Awareness. Build Self-Esteem. Feel Freer, Happier
Your Body in the World: Adapting to Your Next Big Adventure
Stanford University via edX
Innovative Strategies of Teaching and Learning
University of Calicut via Swayam
The Traveling Photographer: Paris
LinkedIn Learning
Resilienza: come svilupparla connettendosi alla natura
Learning, thinking and doing
The Open University via OpenLearn
Medicine Grand Rounds - Cultivating Empathy in Medicine: What Would Dr. Matthews Say? The Louis B. Matthews Visiting Professorship
Dartmouth College via Independent
Mindfulness Modern Approach to Meditation in 2023
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