Enumerative Geometry Courses
Fields Institute via YouTube Mechanism Synthesis and Applied Enumerative Geometry
Fields Institute via YouTube Wanted: Solutions of Square Polynomial Systems
Fields Institute via YouTube Enumerative Geometry in A^1 Homotopy Theory
Fields Institute via YouTube Maximally Inflected Planar Curves in Enumerative Geometry
Fields Institute via YouTube Constructive Refined Topological Strings
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Reduced Gromov-Witten Invariants
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Super Stable Maps of Genus Zero - Moduli Spaces and Normal Bundles
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube Counting Curves in Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Stony Brook Mathematics via YouTube Enumerative Geometry Through Sheaves
Stony Brook Mathematics via YouTube