Electronic Structure Theory Courses

Multireference Quantum Chemistry for Exploring Potential Energy Surfaces
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Calculation of Exciton Couplings Based on Density-Functional Tight-Binding Approach with Spin-Restricted Ensemble-Referenced Kohn-Sham Method
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
High-Level Multireference Computations Using COLUMBUS - Going Open-Source
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Many-Body Green's Function and State-Specific CI Methods for Excited States
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Reduced-Scaling CC Theory in the Frequency and Time Domains
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Approaching Exact Quantum Chemistry by Semi-Stochastic and Selected-CI-Driven CC Computation
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Detailed Introduction to Input Options in Quantum Chemistry
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Relativistic Effects for Exchange Interactions and Spin-Dynamics Simulation
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) via YouTube
Orbital Optimization - QMCPACK Workshop 2023
QMCPACK via YouTube
New Correlation-Consistent Effective Core Potentials
QMCPACK via YouTube
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