Egyptology Courses

Cool Jobs: Problem Solvers in Science
World Science Festival via YouTube
Eternal Life Achieved - The Inspiring Legacies of 4 Ancient Egyptians
TEDx via YouTube
The Odyssey of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
TEDx via YouTube
Exploring Pyramids on the Shoulders of Giants - 3D Technology and Interdisciplinary Research
TEDx via YouTube
Les hiéroglyphes égyptiens
Université de Liège via France Université Numerique
The Maths of Ancient Egypt - Numbers, Calendar and Geometry
Tom Rocks Maths via YouTube
L'actualité de l'Égypte des pharaons - Leçons pour l'Afrique moderne
TEDx via YouTube
Ancient Egypt
San Diego City College via California Community Colleges System
A Tale of Two Volcanoes: Santorini and Aniakchak - Historical Impacts and Controversies
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube
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