Determinism Courses

Potential Realism: Classical and Quantum Indeterminism
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube
PREEMPT_RT Over the Years: Evolution of Real-Time Linux
Kernel Recipes via YouTube
Determinedly Deterministic: How It Can Help You as a Developer
GeeCON Conference via YouTube
Laplace Meets Gödel - Determinism and Predictability in Physics
Foundations of Physics @Harvard via YouTube
Fourier Phase Index for Extracting Signatures of Determinism and Nonlinear Features in Time Series
Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC) via YouTube
Maintaining a Stable Real-time Kernel Patchset
Linux Plumbers Conference via YouTube
Current Overview of PREEMPT_RT
Linux Plumbers Conference via YouTube
Disputed Inheritance: The Battle over Mendel and the Future of Biology
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube
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