Deserialization Courses
Rust via YouTube Introduction to Code Generation with Scalameta
Scala Days Conferences via YouTube Advanced Pickling with Stackless Python and sPickle
EuroPython Conference via YouTube Using Declarative Configs for Maintainable Reproducible Code
PyCon US via YouTube Reflection - Compile-Time Introspection of C++
ACCU Conference via YouTube The Future of JSON in Go - GopherCon 2023
Gopher Academy via YouTube Programming with Java
Amazon via Coursera HydraRPC - Efficient RPC System Using CXL-Attached HDM
USENIX via YouTube Zero-effort Type-safe Parsing of JSON and XML in Go - Zürich Go Meetup
Google TechTalks via YouTube Advancements in JavaScript Engine Fuzzing - OffensiveCon 2023
OffensiveCon via YouTube