Dependent Types Courses
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Internalizing Indistinguishability with Dependent Types
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Martin-Löf Type Theory Mechanization in Coq
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Coq: The World's Best Macro Assembler? - 10-Year Most Influential Paper Talk
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube All Languages are Dynamic - Speculations on the Future of Programming Languages
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Graded Modal Dependent Type Theory with Universe and Erasure - Formalized
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Dependently-Typed Programming with Logical Equality Reflection
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube GHC Status Report - Haskell Compiler Updates and Improvements
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Rank-Polymorphism for Shape-Guided Blocking
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube A Type-Theoretic Account of Quantum Computation