Conformal Field Theory Courses
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube Statistical Physics of Active Matter - Lecture 1 by Sriram Ramaswamy
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube Topological Recursion, Virasoro-W-Algebra Constraints, and Kontsevich-Soibelman
IMSA via YouTube Advanced Course I: Schramm Loewner Evolution and Lattice Models - Lecture 2, Part 2
Fields Institute via YouTube Schramm Loewner Evolution and Lattice Models - Advanced Course Lecture 1, Part 1
Fields Institute via YouTube The Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and the Icosahedron - Lecture 4
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to the AdS-CFT Conjecture from a GR Perspective - Lecture 4
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to the AdS-CFT Conjecture from a GR Perspective - Lecture 2
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to the AdS-CFT Conjecture from a GR Perspective - Lecture 1
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Vertex Algebras and Associated Varieties - Lecture 2
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube