Conformal Field Theory Courses
ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube Elements of String Theory and D-branes
ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube Probabilistic Approach to Liouville Theory
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube On the Interplay of Random Curves with Conformal Field Theory
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube From Liouville to Painlevé and Heun via CFT/Isomonodromy Relation
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube AGT: 2D Conformal Field Theory Valued in 4D Gauge Theories - Lecture
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube Introduction to Liouville Theory - Lecture 1
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube The Mathematics of TQFTs and Defects
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Branes, Bordisms, and 2D SCFTs
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov from Quantum Isomonodromy
NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube